Marla's Game: Deleted Scenes
Here's the 15 episodes that has deleted scenes.
1. Elijah, Ken and Forrest
Marla told the boys about the story of Elijah Pitts, Ken Bowman and Forrest Gregg.
2. Marvin and the Ice Bowl
Lee Roy had his younger brother Marvin and saw Marvin's high school yearbook with his real name on it. Desmond, Brett and Bill did not involved telling a story of the Ice Bowl.
3. LeRoy Butler's Invention
Desmond and Brett told Marla about LeRoy Butler's leap.
1. Guys Gone Entirely
Marla told Don, Joe and Gerry about the six guys who played entirely with the Jets.
1. Morris Stroud
Marla told Len, Jim and Willie about the tall guy Morris Stroud.
1. Harold Breaks Howley's Picture
Harold uses a knife to tear the Chuck Howley picture, and Marla confirms it was her favorite picture of Chuck. They tried to fight, but apologize, and he gave her a Mike Curtis book.
1. Marla's Working Hard
Marla told the guys about working hard way young.
2. John Fitzgerald and Randy White
Marla told Charlie about John Fitzgerald and he told her about Randy.
3. Celebrities Everywhere
Marla told Michael about the celebrities in the 1990s.
4. The Roe Triplets
As Bill Bates had his real life triplets, two boys and a girl. The couple who was the Cowboys fan had three triplet sons all named after the players. The Roe brothers had a cameo appearance.
5. Tragedy Between Kristopher and Cody
Larry told Marla and the guys about his son Kristopher, and Charlie told them about his son Cody. Bob on his daughter Carmen. Roger on his dead baby girl.
1. Kuech, Langer and the Glasers?
Marla told Bob about the funeral of Joe Robbie, Jim Langer and Tompall Glaser and his brothers Chuck and Jim.
2. Jake Scott
Marla told the guys about Jake Scott, whom she dated him twice.
1. Andy's Frustrated Life
Andy told Marla about his frustrated days.
2. Mike shared a birthday with Alan Osmond?
Marla told Mike that he is shared with Alan Osmond.
3. Rocky, the Funny Guy
Marla was recreating the Bugs Life blooper when Rocky starts to act funny.
4. John Steals Randy's Wig
John S. steals Randy's fake wig and makes everybody laugh.
5. Jerome's Secret Recipe
Jerome brought the secret recipe from his mother Gladys.
1. Jim Otto's Brother
Marla showed John Madden in the reel where Gus Otto, Jim's brother was in that reel.
2. Marla's Close Calls For Todd
Marla and Todd had a good relationship about tragedy and anything else.
3. Todd sings with Russ Francis?
Todd told the story in 1985 when he sings "Wonderful Time Up Three" with other Raiders players, and he told Russ later on.
1. Ronnie Nearly Breaks the Tape
Ronnie told the guys that coach Walsh will beat them to the punch. Marla had a tape recording, and Ronnie nearly breaks it.
2. Marla and Russ' Love Life
Marla and Russ told the story about the love life.
3. The White House
Marla told the guys that her daughter was in the white house dancing with Mike Walter.
4. Marla and Tom on Nebraska
Marla told Tom about her friend Prudie's brother and Tom's home state.
5. Brent on the Steelers
Brent told the guys about what he done in 1986.
1. Joe's Hard Scheme Life
Joe told Marla about playing in the CFL.
2. Jeff's Hard Times
Jeff reflects on the death of his mother, and even Marla.
3. Charles' Biggest Time
Charles told Marla about the Pro Bowl 1990.
1. Iron Mike's Wired on Tape
Marla told Mike to show the wired video on tape.
1. LT's Personal Drive
Lawrence told Marla about his high life as did his college.
2. Marla's Hard Times
Marla told Phil and Jeff about the quarterback skills between the two of them.
1. Keith Traylor Interview
Marla was watching the Keith Traylor interview about the death of his mother.
2. John Retired after the Columbine Shooting
John has a small blue ribbon in honor of the Columbine Shooting in 1999 where John retired. Marla told John and the guys about this event.
Rams, Ravens, Patriots and Buccaneers:
1. Warner's Impact
Kurt realized of watching Field of Dreams with his friends.
2. Ray's Schemes
Ray told Marla about headed to the Kathleen high school.
3. Only Gender Would Approve
Tom told Marla he has three sisters, and Marla has six brothers.
4. Jersey Bound
Marla told Rodney not to dance into the Bruce Springsteen song "Glory Days."
5. Tedi and Troy
Marla told Tedi and Troy to watch Arm Wrestling 1975.
6. Warren Uses the Fake Mask
Marla told Warren not to wear that mask.
15. Vikings, Chargers, Bengals and Bills
1. Mick Tingelhoff
Marla told Bud about Mick Tingelhoff, the center of the Vikings.
2. Big Ed
Marla told Dan and Hank about Ed White.
3. Lew Tubby and Stanley Wilson
Marla told Tim and Boomer about Stanley Wilson and his college friend Lew Tubby.
4. The Bills Hangs Out With Denny Streeter
Jim told Marla about Denny Streeter, the country singer.
5. Cris and John's Personal Habits
John told Marla about his habits as did Cris.
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