Marla in the George Jones Show

In 1999, Marla was the guest in the final episode of the George Jones show alongside Tracy Byrd and Mark Chesnutt, both Texan.

George performs the first song, "She Loved a Lot in Her Time." Marla, Tracy and Mark were interviewed with George talking about Texas. George remembers Vidor where he was raised, and had a amusement park before Tracy was born. Tracy performs "I'm From the Country." Marla talks about the beginning with her brothers, George has a song called "Wrongs What I Do Best" before Tracy sings the acoustic version of "Keeper of the Stars." Marla performs "There Must Be Something About Me That He Loves." Marla had her acting career for the clip of "Pure Heart." Mark performs "It's a Little Too Late." Marla performs for Bob Luman with a gender rotation song "Lonely Men Make Good Lovers." Mark performs the acoustic version of "I Never Go Around Mirrors." Mark is the father of three boys. Mark performs "Too Cold at Home." George and Marla performs the last song "Near You."


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