Marty and Lefty Episode 5: Go Around Mirrors

In 1969, as Ronny went into the military, Marty decided to scheduled a show in Warren, Ohio. Marty had a heart attack. Lois, Lefty's daughter buys the little house, and AD (Justin's mom Patsy Medders) and Naamon (David Keith) were there supporting Lefty.

In January 1970, Marty was in a studio recording a song about Marizona called "My Woman, My Woman, My Wife," with Charlie Daniels (Brian Scott May) as a session member. A few days later, Marty had a heart surgery.

In 1972, Lefty had left Columbia, and Marty disqualifies the race at Talladega that was won by David Pearson. Marty had grow his mustache while having a 5th place finish at Michigan two years later.

Lefty recorded a song written with Whitey Shafer called "I Never Go Around Mirrors." Lefty and Alice had a fight while Christopher (Colter Reeves) was watching as did Marlon and Rickey.

The season finale will be Lefty's death so does Marty.


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