Twelfth Episode of Marla's Game: New York Giants

Ottis Anderson, whom fans called him O.J., said there was a spider, and Marla said, "No, Ottis, there ain't no spider in this bar." Other guys were Jeff Hostetler, Phil Simms, Lawrence Taylor and Carl Banks.

All of the sudden, Dark Knight came at the bar, the guys were in shocked. But Dark Knight isn't Dark Knight anymore, it was Bill Parcells. Bill was coaching for the Dallas Cowboys. Bill said, "Don't touch me" as Marla got the piece of paper in his pants. His real name is actually Duane Parcells. His high school friend calls him Bill, but that's negative, but he uses a stage name or something. Marla said she has a brother named Duane.

The next morning, Marla was counting cards and Bill came at the door with no knight. He told Ottis a lie about it, and Marla came seconds later. Bill and Marla were arguing about Ottis.

Bill and Marla were at the booth talking about pride and prejudice as Phil became the funny guy as Lawrence went, "Shut that S***** things up, Phil."

Marla was watching a video tape when Harry Carson was playing around with Bill, and the guys were laughing and were shocking at this point in time.

Marla and Jeff talks about having children, Jason nearly dies of heart surgery, Justin, not so sure about it, and Tyler was born right after the Super Bowl 1991. Marla said she has two children, Faron and Natalee. Faron has two boys at the time and Natalee is single.

The Giants did not win another until 2008 and 2012.


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