Fourth Episode of Marla's Game: Baltimore Colts
Marla was helping out with Mike Curtis, Bill Curry and Bubba Smith. But the mailman was played by Ernie Accorsi, the public relations director.
Ernie gives Marla a letter said that Billy Ray Smith passed away right before the terrorist attack. Marla said, "It was from Billy Ray Smith Jr." Billy Ray Jr. was his son, who was playing for the Chargers. Marla said in note, "Dear Marla, my father passed away right before the terrorist attack on 9/11... I got a news casting wife and my sweet daughter Savannah."
The next morning, while Marla was sleeping, someone has a tape recorder in which Don Shula said, "Is that you?" Marla screams out loud, it turned out, it was her older brother Harold, who shared a birthday with Johnny Unitas.Meanwhile, Bubba and Marla talks about having fun as Harold puts the picture frame, and Bubba said after he gasped, "It was Shula. Harold, put that thing down." Harold said, "Aye, Aye, Bubba." Then Bubba smashes the picture of Don Shula.Marla told the story of coach Don McCafferty, who died one month after Marla turned 16. Mike Curtis was right saying about the heart attack, but Bubba and Bill were wrong about cancer or car accident.Meanwhile, Marla and the guys, puts a video tape in which her son Faron on guitar and his cousin Dwight on drums were playing Warren Zevon's "Lawyers, Guns and Money." Although Meat Loaf and Travis Tritt were on early crossroad guys in 1998, four years before Elvis Costello and Lucinda Williams.Meat asked Faron to give a new phrase, and Faron said, "In 1971, Mike Curtis has hit the fan," the music resumes playing. Marla stops the tape and Mike said, "I cannot believe he said my name on this song."The Colts did not win another until 2006 with a different state and name. Smith died in 2011 and Curtis in 2020.
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