First Episode of Marla's Game: Green Bay Packers

Marla opens a bar and the 8 players, Brett Favre, Desmond Howard, Chuck Mercein, Jerry Kramer, Dave Robinson, Bart Starr, Bill Curry, Willie Davis and a coach Mike Holmgren, came over to chat. Marla said, "Hey, M.H., get to work if you want to." He never said a word.

One guy Lee Roy Fleming (played by Steve Smallwood), works real hard with Mr. Holmgren. Lee Roy is named after Jordan (who played for the Cowboys) or Caffey. Marla was wiping the tables and Lee Roy said, "I got this VHS of Reggie White." Marla got the whole stack of beers as Dave's eyes are rolling as she screams. Willie said, "When he hollered at me, he'd say 'get your hellish fiend away from you.'" They started to laugh.

Marla was at the table with Bart and Jerry, Jerry would say, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all." They start to laugh again, and the hologram blazes over, it was Vince Lombardi. Vince said, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all," and then fades. Desmond said, "What was that?" Marla said, "It's just a hologram, Desmond, dead people entered the spot like Tupac Shakur and Dwight Eisenhower."

Lee Roy still works hard as Chuck arrives. Lee Roy said, "Who are you headed from, Harvard?" Chuck said, "No, from Yale," then walks away. Lee Roy said, "Come on Mercein, snap out of it." Lee Roy came by at Marla's bar, calls Jerry "Old man." Jerry said, "Being an old man...and it made us angry." 7 other players and Marla stared at them. Mike said, "Lee Roy, get back to work," and he walks away.

Marla was using a movie projector and reel to watch Jerry saying about Bob Skoronski. As she pause it, Jerry said, "Roll the rest of the clip, Marla," and resumes playing.

Meanwhile, Marla and Bart talks about the Dallas Cowboys. Marla said, "I lost my aunt when I was five months old, two years before the Cowboys got started." Bart said, "Yep, I lost my younger brother when I was 12 years old. Hey, you may remember the days of Lee Roy Jordan and Mel Renfro, when they saw me hanging out..."

Marla and Chuck talks about his playing days, Marla uses a reel to hear what Chuck has to say. Marla gives the players for their advice as Jerry said, "And so every play had to be executed perfectly."

Lee Roy (who wears Tom Mack jersey) works very hard, not a word as Vince in hologram said, "Come on Fleming..." Vince in hologram said, "I tell you something Lee Roy, you're not gonna get your job back, unless we get a better performance." Chuck was working briefly as Vince in hologram said, "Come on Chuck..." Marla pulls Chuck's ear to get out. Lee Roy was chopping woods as Bill looks on and Vince in hologram said, "Geez, you cut everything off." Chuck and Lee Roy were making a fitness, as Vince in hologram said, "Come on Mercein," and Chuck leaves.

Lee Roy has a younger brother Marvin (after tight end Marv Fleming, may be confused a little bit). Marvin asked Chuck and Marla about the raise, and Vince in hologram said, "Marvin, you messed that guy every time." Lee Roy said to Marvin, "It's just a hologram."

Marla was watching Vince about Jerry's number. Desmond and Brett asked about Lee Roy's work as did other players.

Marla told the guys about Travis Williams who died in 1991. Marla said, "You know something he has eight kids." Jerry said, "I had six kids from 2 marriages," and she started the reel to hear what Travis has to say.

Lee Roy came at the bar in the middle of the night. Bart said, "Lee Roy, this is curfew, you are grounded every year." Marla said, "You're fired." Lee Roy said, "Hey, you can't fire me." Mike said, "Hold it guys, Lee Roy went to another bar hanging out with his brother, his last shift is done, and Marla, you was right." Lee Roy said, "Fish paste."

Meanwhile, Marla and Chuck talks about the Ice Bowl, Chuck said, "If you looked in the stands, all you saw was that steam coming out of people's mouths." Marla and Chuck laughed real hard, and Chuck said, "You can't catch me." Marla was running entirely until Chuck said, "Stop."

As you can see Lee Roy's sleeping, shivering in the box. Chuck said, "Good run Chuck," and Marla said, "Louder." Chuck said the same thing loudly as Lee Roy gets up. The police arrested Lee Roy without no money. Marla said after shutting the police door, "Tell it to the judge you fiend maker."

At the bar, Marla celebrates with 8 players and a coach, there was one more thing, Jerry and Jerry in hologram joined in. Desmond said, "Who was that?" Marla said, "It's just a hologram of Jerry."

Starr died in 2019, and Davis the next year. The Packers won the Super Bowl in 2010-2011.


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