Final Episode of the Zero Club 1975: Marla's Eleven

Kim told Marla, Blaine and Larry told them to find the Chinese twin brothers Jin and Jun Chang, who steals meths, stealing cars, wrestling with fat twins Billy and Benny McCrary, and the rest.

They went to the body shop, but the owner finds a picture of Jin and Jun. One worker Mushy Brooks (Mick Tingelhoff) told him to put it down. Mushy said he was married five times with no children, all of them were divorced.

They spotted the restaurant and finds the twins, but failed to make an arrest. Marla said it ran out of gas.

Eual and Ester were outside of the bounty hunter place. One kid named Lionel Murphy was spray painting at Marla, she tasers him and he was arrested. Sheena and Liane came by and Marla told them they failed to make an arrest for the Chang twins. Although Sheena and Liane take Lionel to jail and Mushy told Marla to stay for the day, and Blaine and Larry too.

At Mushy's house, he and 9 more guys were having a great time, the names were Josh (Elvin Bethea), Sam (Zeke Moore), Jimmy (Jim Marshall), Tony (Carl Eller), Roger (Alan Page), Vince (Paul Krause), Curly (Wally Hilgenberg), Peter (Bobby Bryant) and Louis (Ed White).

That night, they destroy the whole town, but Eual had a metal stuff as did Ester, Marla told them to go home, Kim, Sheena and Liane arrive to tell the bad news of Jun's death of a heart attack, and Jin is at the bar and grill and 10 guys including Mushy were ready to roll with Marla. Although Larry and Blaine told Marla that they will be headed to the hospital about Jun's condition, Sheena, Liane and Kim were going with them.

Marla gave the instruction to the ten guys, after its finished, Jimmy, Tony and Roger smack dabs the bikers. Vince gave the bikers a pizza, but Peter and Louis smack dabs the other bikers. Curly uses the hair dryer the dry out the smoke for the bikers. Marla told Josh, Sam and Mushy to find Jin. Marla was inside of the bar and grill, while Josh, Sam and Mushy finds Jin at the restroom, and 7 more guys finally smack dabs Jin, and Marla was arrested Jin. Larry and Blaine finally takes Jin to jail. Mushy asked Marla to marry her, and she said yes.

A month later, they were at the parade and Mushy and Marla were married as Larry and Blaine were at the truck. But Mushy's real name is Harold, and kissed the end.


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