MMQ Subs 1984-1992

Between Nov. 23 and Nov. 30, 1984, Harold Medders, Marla's brother subs for Russ Francis as he broke his neck against Houston. The two shows were in New Orleans and Atlanta.

From May 3-4, 1985, Lionel James of the San Diego Chargers subs for Dwight Clark as he and his wife Ashley had their second child, Riley Edward born on May 4. The two shows were in Louisiana, and the cities were Monroe and Lake Charles. Dwight returns the next day in a different state of Mississippi.

No subs in 1986.

On Apr. 27, 1987, at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Harold subs for Russ as he competes in Wrestling. Russ returns in Green Bay the next day.

Nobody subs between 1988-1990.

On Sept. 13, 1991, Harold subs for Brent Jones as he was injured his knee. The show was in Minnesota. Other shows that Harold subs the same guy was in L.A. and Philadelphia. Brent returns in Atlanta on Nov. 1.

On Dec. 11, 1992, Marla's nephew Kyle Medders subs for Harris Barton, who was injured, the show is in Minnesota, and this is the original MMQ's last performance.


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