New Documentary Will Air 2023

Maverine and Marla decided to have their documentary movie which was due in 2023.

Guests in this movie:
Ed "Too Tall" Jones
Lee Roy Jordan
Bob Lilly
Randy White
Larry Cole
Charlie Waters
Cliff Harris
Danny White
Troy Aikman
Drew Pearson
Roger Staubach
Joe Montana
Randy Cross
Harris Barton
Brent Jones
Keena Turner
Scott Studwell
Tommy Kramer
Steve Jordan
Cameron Jordan
Mark Mullaney
Jeff Siemon
Paul Krause
Jackie Slater
Matthew Slater
Jeff Bostic
Ed White
Dan Fouts
Nolan Cromwell
Tom Mack
Billy Ray Smith Jr.
Don Macek
Dave Casper
Stu Voigt
Wendell Tyler
Faron Reeves
Natalee Reeves
Kyle Walter
Duane Supan
Harold Medders
and Johnny Medders

Archive Interviews before death:
Mick Tingelhoff
Wally Hilgenberg
Keith Fahnhorst
Patty Michael
Ralph Neely
Doug Sutherland
and Dwight Clark


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