
Showing posts from October, 2023

Marty and Lefty Episode 5: Go Around Mirrors

In 1969, as Ronny went into the military, Marty decided to scheduled a show in Warren, Ohio. Marty had a heart attack. Lois, Lefty's daughter buys the little house, and AD (Justin's mom Patsy Medders) and Naamon (David Keith) were there supporting Lefty. In January 1970, Marty was in a studio recording a song about Marizona called "My Woman, My Woman, My Wife," with Charlie Daniels (Brian Scott May) as a session member. A few days later, Marty had a heart surgery. In 1972, Lefty had left Columbia, and Marty disqualifies the race at Talladega that was won by David Pearson. Marty had grow his mustache while having a 5th place finish at Michigan two years later. Lefty recorded a song written with Whitey Shafer called "I Never Go Around Mirrors." Lefty and Alice had a fight while Christopher (Colter Reeves) was watching as did Marlon and Rickey. The season finale will be Lefty's death so does Marty.

Happy Birthday Ward Burton

Happy 62nd birthday to Ward Burton. He married Tabitha in 1990 before he adopted Tabitha's daughter. Jeb now has 2 Talladega wins in Xfinity series, and Ashton went to the military. He is now a grandfather of two girls by Sarah.

Marty and Lefty Episode 4: Racing and Saginaw

In 1963, Lefty was very ashamed of his drinking, and younger brother David arrived. Lefty recorded "Saginaw, Michigan," who became his last big hit. Meanwhile, Alice told Lefty that she's going to church, and Lefty did not like the new preacher Jimmie Rodgers Snow, the only child and son of Hank Snow. Alice was saved, and J.R. was relieved. Lefty is still drinking and playing with his friends. In 1966, Marty was trying to race at Nashville, and Wendell Scott insulted him, and Buddy Arrington (Jeremy Medders) and Clyde Lynn followed. Coo Coo Marlin asked Marty about racing, and his son Sterling tries to meet him. Marty had the oil leak, and Richard Petty won the race. A few weeks later, Marty was at the Grand Ole Opry performing "Singing the Blues." Lefty became a grandpa for the only time until his death, Lois gave birth to a son Christopher. Next week's episode is Lefty's hard times, and Marty's first heart attack.

Marty and Lefty Episode 3: El Paso

In January 1954, Lefty had a car accident, near Elementary School in Minden in Webster Parish, Louisiana, through which he passed after leaving the Louisiana Hayride in Shreveport en route to a concert in Mississippi. In 1957, Marty toured every nation. In January 1959, Marty and Marizona welcomed their second and final child, Janet. Marty was at the studio recording El Paso, and that make him a big star. Lefty also recorded "Long Black Veil," a haunting story song. Alice, along with Lois, Rickey and little Marlon were upset. Lefty and Alice had a fight about the song. Marty was pursing racing and he and his buddies were ready to roll. Next week's episode is about Lefty's final big hit, and Marty's racing.

Walt Garrison Dies

Natalee called Marla this morning about the death of Walt Garrison, who died over the weekend in Texas. He was 79. Marla remembers Walt as a wonderful and loving man. His youngest son Ben died in April of this year, and he was divorced with no children at the time. The oldest son Marty had two sons and a grandson. Walt played for the Dallas Cowboys from 1966-74, he was on Skoal commercials several times, and visit Marla's sister-in-law Lori in her own show in 1987.

Flashback: Ames 1986

Marla was headed back to her hometown of Ames, Iowa on May 28, 1986 with her four guys Keith Fahnhorst, Russ Francis, Randy Cross and Dwight Clark. Here's her fans before the show starts: Stacy Birchmier, born on Apr. 14, same as Marla's brother Arlie. Rowdy Miskimins. Keynan Mullica, who died on Oct. 3, along with Marla's brother Johnny. Tia Poush and Lynn McCrabb, both 4th graders. Duane Shickell, who died in 2013 of injures of a car accident. Marla's former school friends: Gloria Henryson Daryl Handsaker Julia Ostrem Nancy and Julie Sampson Mark Snyder Rosemary Molde Mark Streuber Bruce Switzer Kevin Weir Pam Swanson Brian Escue and Mary Lang

Marla on Her Ex-Boyfriend and Brother

Marla was interviewed this morning in Dallas, Texas about her ex-boyfriend Russ Francis and her brother Johnny and his wife Cissie. They died two days apart, and Marla was very upset for the weekend. Yesterday, she was in Ames, Iowa for the memorial of Johnny and Cissie and eight other victims of the picnic shooting. Marla said she wants to have a solo concert for next year.

Marty and Lefty Episode 2: I'll Go On Alone

In 1950, Lefty performed in Texas, and the jukebox operator saw Lefty performed. He wants Jim Beck to be at the studio for cutting some songs. The first one, "I Love You A Thousand Ways" in which Jim said "no ballads," but the second song, "If You've Got the Money (I've Got the Time)" was good, as Jim said, "that's it." Don Law, who saw Lefty in concert, told Lefty to sign the Columbia records, and it did. Both songs went to #1, and Jack Starnes became his manager. At the Frizzell household, Lefty had a last sibling, Allen. Lefty told his mother AD that he and Lois are expecting again. Three days after Christmas, son Rickey was born. Meanwhile, Marty had his Arizona TV show, and Jimmy Dickens arrived and he got a deal with Columbia records, same as Lefty. He and Marizona had a fight, and never left. Marty strums guitar for singing "I'll Go On Alone," and the song went to #1. Later on, Lefty had a bad dream while in Calif...

Flashback: Todd Looks Like Jerry

In 1991, during the VHS of Marla, Vern and Conway on tour, Marla's drummer and nephew Todd had look like Elvis Presley's assistant Jerry Schilling, and Marla though it was Charlie Waters, but Todd usually sees in the mirror, and he said it's Jerry's before the show starts. Here's the credits for Marla's 1991 solo band: Kim Browne: background vocals Ernest McBride: steel guitar, fiddle Jody Medders: keyboards Lane Medders: guitar Rodney Medders: bass and vocals Todd Medders: drums Mike Walter: guitar and vocals

Dwight Medders Has New Single

Dwight Medders has a new single, "Some Memories Just Won't Die," which was released on Monday. The original version is good, but the alternate version features the duet with the late Marty Robbins. The Marty and Lefty mini series were still going on as of now.

Marla's Brother and Wife Killed

Marla's brother Johnny and his wife Cissie, both 70, were killed of a shooting at the after school picnic on Oct. 3. The suspect Kailer McKeag, 17, is shot to death by a police officer. Among the dead in addiction to Johnny and Cissie went like this: Keynan Mullica, 41 Ruth Iselin, 27 Cora Kellen, 25 Norbert Cheke, 19 Loyd Hughes, 16 Elijah Lorntson, 15 Zion Lorntson, 13 and Miracle Natukunda, 6. Four injured were Cassie Kellen, 25, Hunter Hilgenberg (cousin of Wally), 20, Matt Wu, 20 and Cindy Zhang, 16. Total is 11 dead and 4 injured.

Marty and Lefty Episode 1: Early Lives

Dwight Medders played Marty Robbins, and his cousin Justin played Lefty Frizzell, and the mini series "Marty and Lefty" aired yesterday on Showtime. Here's Dwight's narration: My name is Marty Robbins, I was born Martin David Robinson on Sept. 26, 1925, at 9:55 PM, and my twin sister Mamie was born at 10 PM. I was the sixth of my mom's nine children, and my dad's fourth. Five siblings were older than me, and the last set of twins were brothers were five years younger than me and Mamie. My first hero was Gene Autry, in which I decided to watch in theaters. Here's Justin's narration: My name is William Orville Frizzell, I was born on Mar. 31, 1928, and was the first of eight children. My parents called me Sonny, and went to several schools when I was young. I just notice that my nickname didn't fit it all. First, Marty went to a theater to see Gene Autry, and when he got home, his parents had arguments, and John, Marty's father divorces Marty...