
Showing posts from January, 2025

Still Rugrats Will Aired in 2026

Cheyenne Whitley will played Betty DeVil in the newest grown up show, "Still Rugrats." Rugrats will have 35 years in 2026 and will aired that same year. Angelica has a little brother Brooks, who was fifteen years younger. Brooks went on to become a football star. Angelica herself is now married to Easton Dunn, who works for the office as did her mother Charlotte. The two had a 3-year-old daughter Emerson. She will be voiced by Jentri Christensen. Brooks will voiced by J.D. Reeves. After Grandpa Lou's death after Tommy turns 13, Tommy went on to become an engineer in college, married to Jessica and had a 1-year-old son Axton Stuart Pickles. He will voiced by Harrison Nitschke, while E.G. Daily, will play the younger Tommy in dreams. Dil is married to Dinah, who is a full time Jewish, is expecting their first child. He will be voiced by Gatlin Blevins. Chuckie and Kimi had younger twin siblings, Mikah and Christy. Mikah is red headed like Chuckie, and Christy is black like ...

Marla and Larry To Be On Paramount On March 14

The new cartoon show Marla and Larry will be on March 14 on Paramount. The story about friendship after the super bowl win for the Dallas Cowboys. Taliah Dudley, who played Marla in "Marla and the Cowboys" in 2018, will played the same name, and Ethan Cole will played his distant cousin Larry Cole. Kristina Enos will played Larry's wife Linda.

Faron and Lorrie Adopted One More Child

Faron and Lorrie had officially adopted one more child who was born 10 days before Laramie's first birthday. It's a girl named Marverine Louise, who was born on Jan. 8, and is from Vietnam. Baby Marvie joined by 14 more siblings, but the 15th sibling Witten died almost four years ago.

Natalee and Rich Weds

Amid the wildfire, Natalee and Rich were married in the civil ceremony yesterday. It was the third marriage for Natalee, and Rich, second. They now have 9 children, five boys and four girls, and a grandson Abner.

Marla to Have Country and Rock Album

Like Rockstar by Dolly Parton, Marla will have duets (or trio) for the new album "Country and Rock" which features 20 songs, 10 rock and 10 country. Two sport stars Jeff Burton and DeMarcus Ware also recorded with Marla with two songs, "When You Say Nothing at All," and "Take Me Down." Newcomers like Cameron Christensen, Oliver Tingelhoff and Dyron Davis also recorded with Marla as well. Her son, step-daughter, grandson and granddaughter-in-law were part of this recording. The released of this album is on February 7.

Maverine's Boyfriend Hospitalized For Stroke

Duane Supan, Maverine's boyfriend of almost 36 years, has another stroke since two years ago. Janet and her girlfriend Katy were there to support Duane, and he will remained hospitalized for a few days.

Marla to Record With the Loud Family on Christmas Album

Marla visits the voice actors from the Loud House, including Liliana Mumy, who voiced Leni. Marla's step-grandson Blake Whitley will voiced Lincoln on the Christmas album because Sawyer Cole's puberty has got to go. Other voice actor of Lincoln after Blake will be later on. Marla and the Louds will have a Christmas album that features 12 songs. The released of this album will be on October 3.

Wayne Osmond Dies

On Cheyenne Reeves' 13th birthday, Wayne Osmond, the second singing Osmond brother, has died at age 73 after having a stroke. His wife Kathy and five children are surviving. He is the first Osmond to die at the time.